Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Life Goals

Recently I had a conversation with a friend about legacy. We were talking about what you would leave behind after your life and what kind of lasting impact you would have. I posited that given enough time, no one would be remembered.  A bleak outlook, I know, but think about it. Here's a thought experiment.  Come up with a list of the top 100 most influential people of ALL TIME. Good people, and bad people alike can fill this list.  You've obviously got your religious icons (Jesus, Buddha, etc.), your great thinkers (Aristotle, Plato etc.), some great warriors, dictators, and politicians (Hitler, Lincoln, whomever), people in other categories... whatever. Try to come up with 100.

Got it..?

How long did that take you?  Honestly, I even had a hard time coming up with categories and people to put in them.  Could you even finish? How many people were alive within the last 100 years? How many people lived over 1000 years ago? Do you really think there was no one who is as influential to human history more than 2000 years ago? What about the caveman who invented fire? What was his or her name? Even if you were able to come up with a list of 100, a quick google search says that there have been 108,470,690,115 to have ever lived (website). Your list is .00000009% of our species' population.

Granted, I'm not a historian and don't think about things like this much. Also, you could argue that it's not the person's name that is important-- it's their work/idea/invention/ whatever... but I think given enough time, EVERYONE will be forgotten on an individual level.  No one knows WHO invented the wheel, just that it was invented (around 3500 BCE according to google). 

So personal legacy is bogus.  It's a pipe dream. You will eventually be forgotten.  

:) And that's okay. :)

But then, what is there to strive for? Why bother getting out of bed every day? Well...I would imagine there are some people who strive to be in that .00000009%.  That's great. There needs to be. But I am not one of those individuals.

What I want in my life is to make a difference to individuals. I want to help someone NOW. When I die, I want people to say, "Jesse affected me in [this way]." After that, it doesn't matter. If I can make a significant difference in one person's life, I will have been successful. 

I like to think that I have made peoples' lives better in small ways.  And that's why I get up every morning. 
