Let's start with the boring stuff. FIrst of all, work has been better. I maneuvered myself into a position where I do much more programming than mind numbing data analysis. Thank god for that. Also, as expected, paychecks are nice.
Okay. Enough of that. On to the good stuff.
Ronnie, my sophomore year college roommate came to visit on Wednesday. I pointed him the direction of a lot of great hiking while I was at work, and then afterwards, we rocked the town. :-p Okay not really. Really what we did was watch a lot Breaking Bad and drink a lot of beer. Haha.

We also went to Mount Evans which has the highest paved road in the country. The summit is, you guessed it, at 14,232 feet above sea level. To get to it, you start at the base (which is at a measly 7,300 feet) and drive up switchback after switchback to the summit. There are a couple stops along the way for pictures, but mostly, it's just narrow winding roads with no guard rails and an ever increasing drop off that doesn't fail to put the fear of mortality into you.
I hiked a bit at about 12,000 feet (which is also the height from which I sky dived back in CT) and let me tell you, that thin air makes you TIRED. I only did about a half mile and i was more than just a little winded. Haha.
By the time we got up to 14k, you could feel the effects of the thinner air. I was a little light headed and the muscles were definitely working hard. The only way to get to the actual top is to park at about 13.7k and hike up the rest of the way. I'll tell you what though, it's completely worth it. The views were incredible.
Check out all the pictures HERE